In business, a common mantra is recited by consultants and academics: “Everyone is a player in change.” This statement is true, but it doesn’t stress enough the fact that each individual in the organization – from the CEO to the line employee – is actually a champion of change. Change at the broadest level is only as good as change at the individual level.
How often has a business transformation initiative floundered due to sponsorship that was incomplete, or not delegated optimally, at senior levels? In repeated studies across the past few decades, research consistently reveals that weak change leadership is one of the top reasons that major change initiatives fail.
How does a leader know if her or his senior leadership team is not only “talking the talk”, but also thinking, speaking and visibly owning the change?
My experience with large and small scale change across industries allow me to work closely with leaders, their leadership teams and middle management to vet the change methodology being used, and its uptake. My work with change leaders begins with assessment, helping my clients understand if the approaches they are using or considering:
- …are appropriate, comprehensive and deep enough for the change
- …match the culture and needs of the organization
- …can be understood by all players
- …have a robust, exuberant championship plan
- …are being managed effectively
Armed with assessment results, I work one-on-one with the sponsor and change team, providing coaching and change methodology training. As a result:
- Leaders will gain clarity about whether the approaches being employed are right for their organization, and if not, what approach would be appropriate
- The plan for championing and sponsoring change by leaders will be more actionable, and will more closely fit the needs of the change audience
- The change audience will be better able to see – and model – change ownership, demonstrated visibly by leaders